
If your application to enter or remain in the UK has been refused, you may have a right of appeal that decision. If this applies to you or your family member, then you should take urgent legal advice as appeal deadlines are often very short.

We deal with appeals from a wide range of immigration, EEA, deportation, asylum and human right cases.

Our fees for appeals are very competitive and will be agreed at the initial consultation in writing.

We will assist with the following:

The legal team at Vista Legal Services have a long-standing rapport with Barristers who can help with achieving a successful outcome.

Contact Info

  • 01332 986 266
  • Room 17 Rosehill Business Centre Normanton Rd Derby DE23 6RH


We are a private fee-paying firm with fixed fees at highly competitive rates. We never ask for more money from our clients other than the price given to them at the start of their case.

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